Selling Your Home For Cash Made Easy

Sell Your Home

Selling Your Home For Cash Made Easy

Sell Your Home

Sell Your House In Days, Not Months

As a FLIPLOCAL customer you can take advantage of our free local moving offer. Don't have a place to go yet? Our local real estate agent Susanne Newman will help you find a great new place to call home.

Woman holding dollar bills in her handed and celebrating

Need to Sell ASAP?

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Woman and daughter packing books into a box

Sell Your Home in Days!

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Couple looking at computer with paperwork

Bad or No Credit?

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Icon of paper airplane with dotted line

1. Call or Submit Your Info

We go over details about your property and schedule a time to meet with you.

flip local - Icon of text messages

2. Meet With Us At Your Home

We look at the property with you and answer any questions you have. Then we present you a cash offer. There’s never any obligation to accept.

flip local - Icon of a calendar with checkmark on a day

3. Choose Your Closing Date

We close on your timeline. Fliplocal makes the home selling experience fair, fast and flexible.

flip local - Call Us or Submit Your Info

Step 1

Call or Submit Your Info

We go over details about your property and schedule a time to meet with you.

flip local - Meet With Us At Your Home

Step 2

Meet With Us At Your Home

We look at the property with you and answer any questions you have. Then we present you a cash offer. There's never any obligation to accept.

flip local - You Choose Your Closing Date

Step 3

Choose Your Closing Date

We close on your timeline. Fliplocal makes the home selling experience fair, fast and flexible.

Why Choose fliplocal?

Why Choose fliplocal?

- No agent commission.

- No Broker Fees / Attorney Fees.

- No Title Work / Title Insurance.

- No Doc Stamps.

- No Recording Fee.

- No Tranfer Taxes.

- No Settlement Fees

- No Miscellaneous Fees.


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Refer a friend to Flip Local and we will set you up a $500 Reward for keeping it local.

Start Referring
Flip Local Referral Program

Time To Sell Your Home

Send us information about you and your home and we will be in contact with you soon.


Michael Hutchinson

26 Richardson Road Leverett MA 01054


Phone: (413) 531-3744


fliplocal - Facebook   fliplocal - Linkedin


Mon - Sat: 7:00am - 7:00pm
Sun: Closed

FlipLocal | Web and Branding Design | Gabe Hutchinson